Act in good faith.

If your heart and mind are in the right place, Bandwidth welcomes your time and talent.

Bandwidth expands the capacity for good ideas in Boulder County elections and government.

Bandwidth believes that both heart and reason have a place in Boulder County elections and governance. We work with candidates, activists, and elected officials who have a vision for transforming Boulder County’s transportation, housing, growth, open space, environment, economy, and quality of life.

Bandwidth is here to alleviate the stagnation in Boulder County politics and usher in a new era where good hearts and sharp minds lead political discussions and forge policy in Boulder County.

Bandwidth‘s Philosophy

Bandwidth represents a third way of doing politics in Boulder County.

Great ideas / action = Bandwidth.

Bandwidth pairs ideas with action in elections and in government.
Bandwidth supports candidates who propose unique and visionary ideas for their campaign platform, and elected officials who marry their vision with positive legislative action.

Capture Boulder County’s ingenuity.

Boulder County is home to some of America’s smartest minds and compassionate hearts.
Our politics and policies should reflect this.
Boulder County is famous for its scientists, engineers, technologists, artists, athletes, businesses, and entrepreneurs. The makeup of our local government should be representative of the breadth of talent in the Boulder County community. Bandwidth seeks and supports Boulder County residents from a variety of backgrounds who want to get involved in local politics.

Make friends, not enemies.

Bandwidth partners with those who seek opportunity, not adversity.
Everyone is tired of the negativity in politics. Bandwidth is too. We understand that policies incite passion over values and philosophies. Passion in politics is expected, however, name-calling, personal attacks, and viewing people who hold opposing views and values as enemies are unacceptable.

Candidates who treat their fellow candidates and voters with contempt and disdain in public and in private will never be endorsed or supported in any fashion by Bandwidth. The same applies to elected officials; those who demean their fellow representatives as well as their constituents have no place in Boulder County politics. Bandwidth promises to work to unseat any representative who demonstrates lack of professional competency and decorum. 

We’re here for the long haul.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. The same applies to improving Boulder County.
Bandwidth recognizes that wins come in many forms in politics, and that long-term success is a slow and steady race. Bandwidth seeks and supports candidates, activists, and elected officials who understand and appreciate this reality.

Contact Bandwidth


Donate to Bandwidth


Run for local office

Help a local, Bandwidth-endorsed campaign
Educate and inform residents
Attend Bandwidth‘s campaign and advocacy training

Contact Bandwidth

Act in good faith.

If your heart and mind are in the right place, Bandwidth welcomes your time and talent.

Run for local office

Help a local, Bandwidth-endorsed campaign
Educate and inform residents
Attend Bandwidth‘s campaign and advocacy training

Donate to Bandwidth

Identify. Train. Support. Win.

Bandwidth identifies, trains, and supports quality, idea-driven candidates and advocates in Boulder County to advance innovative policy platforms in elections.

Combining world-class data analytics with top-tier, one-of-a-kind marketing, Bandwidth is here to provide campaigns a foundation for education, training, and support.

Bandwidth unites talented Boulder County politicos experienced in political campaigning, data analytics, political marketing, and policy crafting, and offers their experience and wisdom to campaigns. Collectively, our team has worked and won in Boulder County elections every decade since the 1970s and continues to achieve success.

If you’re here to advance Boulder County with good ideas, you’re in the right place.

Enrollment is now open for Bandwidth’s candidate bootcamp

Contact Bandwidth


Donate to Bandwidth


We’re increasing bandwidth.

Check back on May 1st.